Upcoming Events

Event Series “We Believe” Sermon Series

“We Believe” Sermon Series

What do you believe? What do United Methodists believe? If you've ever pondered these questions, join us starting July 28th for a six-week sermon series, "We Believe." This series will explore the Apostles' Creed as a foundation for Christian faith. The creed is not a…

15th Sunday after Pentecost

Sermon Series: We Believe – Resurrection and Life EternalScripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14 & Luke 24:36-49 Services at 8:45 & 11am in the Sanctuary. Watch us online at https://kingswood.church/live/

Event Series Wednesday Night Supper

ACTS242 (Wednesday Nights)

Join us each Wednesday for a catered meal in the Christian Life Center. The dinner line opens at 5:45pm and serves until 6:45pm. For just $10.00 per person, enjoy an entrée, two vegetables or starch, a roll, dessert, and drinks. 9/4 Menu: meat loaf, mashed…

16th Sunday after Pentecost

Sermon Series: So What? – The Good Samaritan Church Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46 Services at 8:45 & 11am in the Sanctuary. Watch us online at https://kingswood.church/live/

Event Series Kingswood 101

Kingswood 101

Join Pastor Dana for an informative series about Kingswood Church, a United Methodist community, and discover the blessings of membership. Starting September 8 and continuing for the next three Sundays, Pastor Dana will lead sessions for anyone interested in becoming a member of Kingswood Church.…

Event Series Kingswood 101

Kingswood 101

Join Pastor Dana for an informative series about Kingswood Church, a United Methodist community, and discover the blessings of membership. Starting September 8 and continuing for the next three Sundays, Pastor Dana will lead sessions for anyone interested in becoming a member of Kingswood Church.…

Event Series Walk to Emmaus

Walk to Emmaus

The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program based on the Bible story of Jesus appearing to two disciples on the road to Emmaus. The program is designed to help Christians live as disciples of Christ and participate in his mission. Kingswood Church is hosting an Encounter this…

Event Series Wednesday Night Supper

ACTS242 (Wednesday Nights)

Join us each Wednesday for a catered meal in the Christian Life Center. The dinner line opens at 5:45pm and serves until 6:45pm. For just $10.00 per person, enjoy an entrée, two vegetables or starch, a roll, dessert, and drinks. 9/11: sloppy joes, French fries,…

17th Sunday after Pentecost

Sermon Series: So What? – TELL Scripture: John 1:43-51 Services at 8:45 & 11am in the Sanctuary. Watch us online at https://kingswood.church/live/

Event Series Kingswood 101

Kingswood 101

Join Pastor Dana for an informative series about Kingswood Church, a United Methodist community, and discover the blessings of membership. Starting September 8 and continuing for the next three Sundays, Pastor Dana will lead sessions for anyone interested in becoming a member of Kingswood Church.…