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Traditional Worship Service at 8:45am
Our smaller, traditional worship service has hymns and other music accompanied by organ and piano, affirmations of faith through responsive readings, prayers, and a timely message. This intimate service is a great way to start your Sunday!

Modern Service at 11am
This is Kingswood Church’s family-friendly, more casual worship service, where we sing contemporary music accompanied by acoustical guitar, viola, and piano.

Other Information for Your Visit
Don’t worry about what to wear! At Kingswood Church, we want you to worship how you are most comfortable.
Nursery services are available for all worship services. Staffed by professional caregivers, the nursery can be found at the end of the library hallway from the main entrance and sanctuary lobby.
Join us for coffee before the 11:00 service in the welcome center, just inside the main entrance lobby. This is a great time to meet some new friendly faces.
Small group studies and discussions are held from 9:45 to 10:45am. Classes are available for all ages — nursery, preschool, children, youth, and adults. We hope you will join us when visiting for worship!
Assistive devices for hearing-impaired individuals are available — speak to an usher as you enter the Sanctuary.