Sunday school classes are offered from 9:45-10:45am. Preschool (age 3) through 4th grade meet downstairs, and “tweens” (5th & 6th graders) meet upstairs in the Christian Life Center (CLC).
Nursery services are available Sundays for infants through age 2 from 8:30 until noon, so that parents can enjoy adult studies and worship. The nursery is located near the library and fellowship hall.
Worship care — After the music in the 11:00 worship service, children are welcome to go to worship care, which is a fun, loving environment with adult caregivers, or to remain in the service. The worship care room is located in the library hallway; when exiting the sanctuary, go down the hallway to your left (as you face the outside doors of the church).
Little Angels, directed by Kara Grant, meets on Sunday mornings, 9:45–10:00 am, in room 129 on the lower level. It offers preschoolers, ages 3–Kindergarten an opportunity to lift their voices in song.
Children of all ages and their families are invited to ACTS242 on Wednesday Evenings during the school year for rotating activities!
Kingswood Church is well known for its active scouting program. Cub Scout Pack 477 invites Kindergarten through 5th grade boys and girls to join them for a year of great adventure and fun.
We know that your children’s safety is of utmost importance. To protect all our children, youth, and volunteers, we follow the Safe Sanctuary policy of the United Methodist Church in all our programs.
Events for Kids
Latest Updates

Jessica Falk-Spencer
Director of Family and Children’s Ministries
(770) 457-1317