What do you believe? What do United Methodists believe? If you've ever pondered these questions, join us starting July 28th for a six-week sermon series, "We Believe." This series will explore the Apostles' Creed as a foundation for Christian faith. The creed is not a…
August 11, 2024: Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Worship @ 8:45 am and 11:00 in the Sanctuary and online Sermon: We Believe — The Holy Spirit Scripture: Acts 3:1–10 “We Believe” Sermon SeriesJuly 28 – September 1 What do you believe? What do United Methodists believe?…
Join in for Scout Swim on August 11 from 12-2pm at Dunwoody North Driving Club Pool. Come find out about the fun and adventures of Scouting. Middle school and high school boys and girls are welcome. Contact Allison Reilly at alisonreilly500@gmail.com for more info.
Join the Summer Group, a chorus of 26 singers under the direction of Allen Baston, as they present a program featuring works by Dan Forrest, Elaine Hagenberg, Will Todd, Richard Nance and more. The concert is FREE.
Dr. Dana Everhart, our new pastor, would like the opportunity to get to know the congregation by meeting in small groups in a casual atmosphere in member homes. The time is intended to give Dana an opportunity to share his story and listen to your stories about Kingswood…
Dr. Dana Everhart, our new pastor, would like the opportunity to get to know the congregation by meeting in small groups in a casual atmosphere in member homes. The time is intended to give Dana an opportunity to share his story and listen to your stories about Kingswood…
The Wonderfully Made curriculum covers anatomy, puberty, reproduction, sexual health, relationships, and more. Wonderfully Made is a class designed for children in 5th and 6th grade, but the class is open to students through 7th grade this year. Wonderfully Made is a curriculum covering human sexuality with a Christian foundation.…
The Wonderfully Made curriculum covers anatomy, puberty, reproduction, sexual health, relationships, and more. Wonderfully Made is a class designed for children in 5th and 6th grade, but the class is open to students through 7th grade this year. Wonderfully Made is a curriculum covering human sexuality with a Christian foundation.…
The Wonderfully Made curriculum covers anatomy, puberty, reproduction, sexual health, relationships, and more. Wonderfully Made is a class designed for children in 5th and 6th grade, but the class is open to students through 7th grade this year. Wonderfully Made is a curriculum covering human sexuality with a Christian foundation.…
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4896 N Peachtree Road
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338
(770) 457-1317
Sunday Service Times:
Traditional worship: 8:45 am
Modern worship: 11:00 am