Upcoming Events

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the start of the Lenten season, a time of preparation before Easter. Join us for an Ash Wednesday service on February 14 at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary that will include the traditional imposition of ashes. All are welcome!

Event Series Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesday Night Supper

Please join us Wednesday nights, 5:30-6:30 pm, in the gym! Wednesday Night Supper gives you the night off from cooking and gives you the opportunity to spend time with your Kingswood family and friends. If you would like to join us for fellowship only, please…

Event Series Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesday Night Supper

Please join us Wednesday nights, 5:30-6:30 pm, in the gym! Wednesday Night Supper gives you the night off from cooking and gives you the opportunity to spend time with your Kingswood family and friends. If you would like to join us for fellowship only, please…

Event Series Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesday Night Supper

Please join us Wednesday nights, 5:30-6:30 pm, in the gym! Wednesday Night Supper gives you the night off from cooking and gives you the opportunity to spend time with your Kingswood family and friends. If you would like to join us for fellowship only, please…

Event Series Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesday Night Supper

Please join us Wednesday nights, 5:30-6:30 pm, in the gym! Wednesday Night Supper gives you the night off from cooking and gives you the opportunity to spend time with your Kingswood family and friends. If you would like to join us for fellowship only, please…

Event Series Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesday Night Supper

Please join us Wednesday nights, 5:30-6:30 pm, in the gym! Wednesday Night Supper gives you the night off from cooking and gives you the opportunity to spend time with your Kingswood family and friends. If you would like to join us for fellowship only, please…

Maundy Thursday Service

We will have our traditional combination Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at the service on Thursday evening, March 28, 6:30pm. The service includes Holy Communion and the stripping of the altar.

Easter Sunday

Easter & Confirmation Sunday! Celebrate the Risen Lord with us at 8:45 and 11am!

Event Series Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesday Night Supper

Please join us Wednesday nights, 5:30-6:30 pm, in the gym! Wednesday Night Supper gives you the night off from cooking and gives you the opportunity to spend time with your Kingswood family and friends. If you would like to join us for fellowship only, please…