February 11 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Joan Holladay is starting a 6-week class for adults who feel the need to improve their balance and flexibility. Class will be on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 beginning January 28, in the Fellowship Hall. Cost is $30 for the 6-week session, and all proceeds go to the General Missions Fund of Kingswood.
This is a beginner class and will help people of all abilities make improvements in their overall health and fitness. It is NOT an exercise class. Joan is NOT a personal trainer. You’ll have fun and enjoy fellowship while moving your body and doing some balance training.
Any questions, text or call Joan Holladay at 404-626-2636.
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4896 N Peachtree Road
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338
(770) 457-1317
Sunday Service Times:
Traditional worship: 8:45 am
Modern worship: 11:00 am