November 3, 2024 @ 8:45 am - 12:00 pm
November 3 – WE WILL – Sweat, II Corinthians 4:16-18
SERMON SERIES – “We Will!” We are going to look at the vows of membership in The United Methodist Church and over the course of five weeks recommit ourselves to be faithful and loyal members of The
Join us on Sunday, November 3, as we honor the lives of those who have passed into the Church Triumphant over the past year. We will remember our cherished members through the lighting of candles and the solemn tolling of the bell.
We invite you to commemorate your loved ones who have also departed this year. If you would like to include a framed photo of them in our altar arrangement, please submit the framed photo to the Church Office by October 15. Be sure to include their name and dates.
All photos will be returned after the 11 AM worship celebration on November 3. Let us come together to celebrate and remember those who have touched our lives.
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